Scriptures record that Jesus walked the earth for forty days after His resurrection prior to His ascension to Heaven, and during that time He appeared to the disciples and others on twelve separate occasions. It is difficult to harmonize those occasions positively as no gospel writer has recorded all His post-resurrection appearances. Certain appearances have been recorded by certain writers stressing the peculiarities of those particular occasions without denying other appearances on other occasions. Mark and John however do record that His first post-resurrection appearance was to Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb early on the Sunday morning following His crucifixion. ~
We just went through 40 days of Lent. Maybe you gave up something for Lent... maybe you took on a new discipline during that time... either way you probably learned just how LONG forty days can be! But, I bet the forty days that Jesus spent on Earth after His resurrection didn't seem very long to His disciples and friends. I bet those 40 days flew by.
Fortunately for us we can walk and talk with God (and Jesus) freely. We may not see or touch Him, but we are not limited to forty days, forty minutes or forty years. That was a freedom Jesus gave us all with His resurrection. Not only do we have access to Him now ~ we have access to Him for eternity. Thanks be to GOD!
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