On Monday we learned about the Egyptians and the Israelites. (Their story is in Exodus.) The following is what the children were taught about each of these groups:
Smart in math and science
Great teachers, schools
Good soil for farming
Plenty of food
Plants to make paper, baskets, etc
Had to work hard
Lives made bitter
Used by Egyptians
Then we asked the kids which group they would want to belong to? Of course, most wanted to be with the Egyptians... until we told them that the Egyptians worshiped false gods and the Israelites worshiped God.
But how could the Israelites worship God when their lives were so horrible, we asked?

Well, during VBS, we collected money every day for the Joplin, MO tornado victims. On that first day, we asked our class what they were thankful to God for in their lives. Then, we asked them, if they woke up tomorrow morning and a devastating tornado came through our town, would you still have things you would be thankful for to God?
Of course the kids were able to list things like FAMILY, FRIENDS, etc. After we did this exercise, they were able to understand why the Israelites could still be able to love, trust and follow God even in their despair.
What are you thankful for today?
Photo - http://sarabe3.tripod.com/israeliteimages.html
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