Welcome to Dymphna's Diary

Although I am not Catholic, I find it interesting that "Dymphna" is the patron saint of those who suffer from clinical depression and other mental illnesses. Considering the purpose of this site is to offer inspiration and spiritual guidance to my readers, I felt it was only right I chose her namesake for the title.

In 2010, this site was set up to pass along personal information about how depression has affected my life and the lives of my family. Since then, it has EVOLVED. In 2011, I attempted to present posts that were INSPIRATIONAL to you, my readers. In 2012, I went even deeper with personal stories from people across the United States via touching videos, songs, and interviews. My hope was to show each of you that even when you feel that you are in a situation that no one else could understand, you are not alone. Through it all, my comments have remained to be my personal opinions and spiritual reflections. I will continue to occasionally post information that I feel is beneficial in removing the stigma of mental illness, but regardless I feel blessed to have been given this platform to spread God's love and compassion for ALL people. I wouldn't be where I am today without the strength I receive daily from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My hope is that this blog will help you find some comfort in your life. It most certainly is helping me find comfort in mine.

I want to make it perfectly clear, though, that when I make generalizations regarding mental illness, I am NOT giving advice to anyone. I'm just passing along information that I have found helpful in my life. I'm writing about MY PERSONAL experiences and thoughts. Mental illness affects everyone differently and your situation may not be reflective of mine.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Let God be Your Peace

The last couple of months I've pretty neglectful of this blog site. I've let the demands of life take over.  Occasionally I've wandered back on here (when I've thought of it).  Sometimes I've thought about getting on here and second guessed myself thinking, "Does anyone really read the words that I write?"  "Am I making a difference by keeping this site active?"  But today I thought - The holidays are approaching... "remember how difficult the holidays used to be for you, Carol?"  Yep, I remember!  Then, I thought - Even if only one person is reading this blog... even if I (through the grace of God) am only making an impact in one person's life today - than it's worth it.  So, here I am.

The Prayer of St Francis is on my heart today.  I hope you are able to draw strength from it.

Please know, if you are going through difficulties during this time of year - and I know many are struggling - know that you are not alone... Let God be your Peace, Love, Pardon, Faith, Hope, Light, and Joy.

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