Charles Schulz was a brilliant man. He had this one Peanuts cartoon that I just loved. One of the characters – Sally I believe – was sitting at a desk with two stacks of paper in front of her. One of the stacks was a lot taller than the other. Another character walks up to her and wants to know about the papers. She tells them the stacks are full of things she has learned in life. They inquire as to why one is so much bigger than the other. She simply responds, “The larger one is the stuff I learned the hard way!”
I wonder if we all tallied up our stacks what they would look like. I know my “learned the hard way” stack would probably need steel brackets to hold it up. What would be included in that stack?
1. Don’t get married when you’re cycling – it will not last
2. Don’t turn your back on your family when you’re cycling – they can be your life support
3. Don’t quit taking your bi polar medication just because you feel “normal” – It’s what’s keeping you normal
4. Don’t quit going to therapy/counseling when the topics you’re discussing hit too close to home – if it hits too close to home it’s probably what you need to be talking about
5. Being honest with yourself is mandatory – only you can change what you don’t like about your life and surroundings
6. Saying NO to others isn’t easy but often times it’s necessary – you must make time for yourself to stay healthy
7. You must be 100% honest with your family & friends about your condition if you expect them to understand YOUR limitations – they cannot give you what you need if you don’t tell them what it is
8. God doesn’t keep a scorecard – GRACE is offered to everyone because Jesus died on the cross for our sins … Acts 10:43 “All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name."
9. Passion doesn’t last forever but true love is a beautiful thing!
10. Friends come and go but FAMILY is forever – my sister and I have always been there for each other…. ALWAYS!
Really, when I think about it, it’s the things I’ve learned the hard way that have made me who I am today!
(Sally character is property of Charles Schulz.)
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