My dogs have a plastic tub full of “toys”, but each one has their favorite items. Unfortunately, for me and my husband, one of my baby’s most precious possessions is a stuffed bunny rabbit. This bunny has big floppy ears that hang over its sad, little blue eyes, and every time my dog bites down on this rabbit’s tummy, it says – “Peek-a-Boo, I see you” – as its ears rise over its eyes. Now, the first 375 times this happened (in the middle of the night), it was cute… not anymore.
But, here’s the thing: My dog refuses to live by human standards. He has evidently read Loretta LaRoche’s book - Life is Short, Wear Your Party Pants - and he decided that life is indeed short and he will not only wear his party pants – he is taking his bunny to the party with him!
Babies and Toddlers carry blankets or binkies with them to give them security. Kids pack along some of their favorite items… DS games, IPods, etc. What if we ALL lived life to the fullest? What if we took our favorite “toys” with us everywhere we went? What if we didn’t have to worry about what someone else was going to think about us or our actions? Well, we don’t!
This weekend, I went away with some friends, and I had the wonderful opportunity to take my “toy” along with me – my camera. I was out taking pictures of the changing leaves, etc and I happened upon a Magnolia cone. I have seen a million Pine cones in my lifetime, but I have never seen a Magnolia cone, so I was very curious.
Anyway, the cone was in the parking lot of the hotel where we were staying, and I got down and begin taking pictures of what looked like a close-up of a parking space but what really was the Magnolia cone. When I got back to our room, one of my friends said that everyone outside was staring at me. She even wanted to know why I was taking a picture of the parking lot! At one time that would have made me feel a little weird, but now I know I'm an odd duck of sorts... lol.
I’ve always admired people that dance to the beat of a different drum. Ironically, because of my history of Manic Depression, you could say that I’ve been on a bit of a different beat most of my life. I hear those Bongos in the distance… Tango anyone?
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