My husband was “channel surfing” today and we happened to come across a story, on the news, about cars that have the capability to drive themselves! When I was little, I remember hearing that someday we would have the technology for that to happen, but I never really believed it. I mean, come on, we still had phones with party lines back then. But, sure enough, this car – which had this huge metal contraption sticking off the top of it – literally had the means of operating without the help of the driver.
I remember, when I was a child, my grandparents didn’t have a television in their house. I couldn’t understand how they could live without one. But, of course, they explained to me that they didn’t even HAVE televisions when they were growing up. Same type of thing happened when my son was small. Nintendo! “Mom, how could you not have a Nintendo when you were little?” And the circle continues with his daughter… Wii and Netflix Instant movies and Digital Cameras.
However, with all the hi-tech, fancy toys at her disposal, my granddaughter has the most fun doing the same things her father did – the same things I did – enjoying the great outdoors!
“Man” will continue to create things that right now we can’t even believe possible. Years from now, my great-great grandchildren could feel sorry for me because I didn’t have the really COOL things they have. That’s why I feel it’s important to continue to show the NATURAL beauty of God’s world to my family. If they carry the love of God’s creations in their hearts, they’ll pass it on for generations to come.
Take a moment right now and think about what God has blessed us with in Nature… the sun on your face, the wind blowing through your hair, snowflakes falling on your eyelashes, shade trees to have picnics under, stars to wish upon, flowers blooming in the spring, leaves changing colors in the fall, squirrels and chipmunks running through the grass, frogs hopping into your hands, birds singing happy songs, clouds with imaginary identities – all of these and I haven’t even left my own backyard.
None of these experiences can be simulated on a video game or a movie. They must be lived. Take some time to get away from technology and enjoy God’s gifts to us!
Photo - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driverless_car
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