Kids amaze me! My granddaughter is currently playing basketball through the YMCA, and half the time we're there, she seems to really love playing - the other half she acts like we are punishing her by making her play... lol. Today for instance, she didn't want to participant in the required practice before the game... which is not a problem - she's only three and they are pretty lax on the rules. But, when the game started and she wasn't scheduled to play in the 1st quarter, she came and sat next to me... head in her lap, pouting for all to hear about the unfairness of it all.
During the second quarter, she ran out on the court and played her little heart out! Now, since she plays through the YMCA, each child is promised that they will play at least two quarters per game. So the third quarter came up, and the coach - my husband, her peppaw - called her out on the court to play. She said she was too tired! Anyway, after some coaxing, she did go out to play. But when the kids made it to our end of the court, she kept on running up into the bleachers by me to get some pretzels. I guess she figured that she could quit anytime she wanted for a snack. They had to call another child out on the court to finish the quarter!
It all made me realize this: The adults (me) may take all this a little more seriously than the kids. I was so excited when I signed her up for basketball. Of course, in my mind, I'm thinking that she'll be another Angel McCoughtry. In reality, she may not even want to play basketball next year. All in all, though, I think it's been good for her to play a team sport at 3 years old. And, of course, there's always soccer! LOL
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls when there is not another to raise him up? - Ecclesiastes 4:9,10
Photo - www.angelmccoughtry.com/
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