We read about it in the Bible...
Matthew 11:29 (CEV)
29 Take the yoke*** I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest.
Matthew 23:12 (CEV)
12 If you put yourself above others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored.
Jesus was the ultimate example of what it means to be humble. The Kings of Kings was born in a manger among animals... not jewels and worldly possessions. After a three year ministry - that was always under the ridicule of the so-called "righteous" men of His time - He was placed bleeding on a cross between two criminals to await His death. Did He beg and plead for His life? Did He ask His Father to take away His misery? No, He accepted His role in OUR salvation... and He did so unpretentiously. Jesus was humble.
If we can follow just a bit of His example... put others above ourselves, love and honor our God and our neighbors - I think we will be on the right track.

***The Plowman (farmer) binds the yoke upon the neck of the oxen, so that it would not fall off or be shaken off. Yoke bound around the neck of man would cause his strength to diminish, one may waver and fall under the yoke (load).
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