Well, today is the first day of Advent… the beginning of the Christian year. What an exciting time! This is the season that we celebrate the birth of Jesus, and all the HOPE that the miracle of that moment represents to mankind. I know it can definitely be hard to reconcile “Jesus the baby” with “Jesus the man” he became… the man that hung bloody and broken, dying on a cross, approximately 33 years later.
When each of us were born – swaddled in our blankets in some hospital nursery – I’m sure our family dreamed of how we would change the world. Maybe they imagined we would be doctors, lawyers, firefighters – maybe a president out there among us – no matter what, we were destined for greatness. They, I’m positive, looked in our eyes and saw nothing but perfection. I can’t even imagine what Mary felt when she looked in baby Jesus’ eyes for the first time – what a spectacular gift.
Jesus was God’s gift to humanity, but He also has given us all a unique gift… it’s in our DNA. We are capable of doing great things with these abilities – each one of us. All we have to do is “listen” for Him – He’ll tell us how to use those talents. Utilizing what is given to us is our present back to Him. Maybe that can be the first thing we give for Christmas this year!
Photo - http://www.freebibleillustrations.com/main.php/v/42_Luke/
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