You ever wish you had an “Easy Button?” I bet if there were such a thing as an Easy Button for life, Staples would be sold out all the time. People, on the average, tend to look for the easy way out of situations, don’t they? Heck, why wouldn’t they? If we could just look at a basket of dirty laundry, ladies, and it magically wash, dry, iron and hang its self up, wouldn’t we be pretty ecstatic? If we could get a 40 hour paycheck and only work 10 hours a week, wouldn’t we do it? But, you know what? I’ve never found a boss that was willing to go for that and I bet you haven’t either.
The fact of the matter is this… If you want the privilege of living in a huge home and driving a luxury car, you’re gonna have to put some hours in at work. If you want a fantastic relationship with your spouse, you’re gonna have to listen to what they say and appreciate their feelings and needs. If you want an education, you’re gonna have to hit the books. In almost every instance in life – when you want something, you have to give something (of yourself).
I’ll tell you something else, too. The harder I had to work at getting something in life – a college degree, for instance – the sweeter the success! It seems when something is handed to you, it’s easier to take it for granted. (Now, I wouldn’t have agreed with that at all when I was younger!)
Sometimes, life has dealt me situations that have made me feel like just giving up. But, when I made it through those times, I noticed that I was stronger. I fought to get through those times – no one else could do it for me… and the next time darkness comes my way, I know I will have the strength to beat it again.
A past preacher once told me:
God tests you to bring out your best…
Satan tempts you to bring out your worst.
I choose not to take the “Easy Button” when it comes to my disease because I believe that’s what Satan wants me to do.
Easy Button – a product of Staples, Inc
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