John 4: 7 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?"
This is one of my favorite Bible stories for many reasons:
#1 – This woman was not a respected person of her Samaritan community. First of all, she had been married five times previously and was living with a man at that time that wasn’t her husband. (She probably chose to fetch her water in the heat of day because she didn’t want to run into anyone she knew.) Regardless of her past and current situation, Jesus didn’t show her prejudice.
#2 – She was a Samaritan – someone that was a natural enemy of a Jew. Samaritans were considered unclean in that day and age. Some scholars have stated that they may have practiced interracial marriages - something that was very frowned upon at that time. Yet, again Jesus didn’t show her prejudice.
#3 – She was a woman – Jesus was a Rabbi. Men, especially educated men, were not supposed to speak to women in public – especially women with reputations! Yet, Jesus treated this woman with respect.
#4 – This five-time married, unclean Samaritan woman was not only treated with respect by Jesus…. She was THE FIRST PERSON HE ADMITTED TO that HE WAS THE SON OF GOD! This story is the only time in the Bible that Jesus ever claims He is the Messiah until the time of His Resurrection.
#5 – Not only did Jesus not ridicule this woman about her past, He gave her respect by allowing her to be used as an instrument in His ministry. When she left the well, she went and told others about HIM!
This story showed me many years ago, that Jesus has love and compassion great enough to forgive us no matter what our sins. Unconditional love! Love with no bounds. God’s grace is amazing!
When I felt I was unworthy, unloved, unforgivable – God was there! Now, He is allowing me the chance to perhaps help another person. I hope to be able to spread His love til my last breath….
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