by Nicole C Mullen
Been ostracized for 12 years, I’m used to being alone. Spent everything I had and now it’s gone.
I’m used to being put down, my issues tell it all. My only hope is anchored in this fall.
If I could just touch the hem of His garment, I know I’d be made whole.
If I could just press my way thru this madness, His love would heal my soul.
If only one touch…
So many people calling. How could He ever know that just a brush of Him would stop the flow?
If he knew would He rebuke me or shame me to the crowd?
Well I’m desperate ‘cause it’s never or it’s now.
Then, Suddenly He turned around. He said somebody has unleashed my power.
Well, Frightened and embarrassed I bowed. You see I told Him of my troubles and how…
I had to touch the Hem of His garment and I know I’ve been made whole.
And how I had pressed my way thru the madness and His love has healed my soul.
Then with one word He touched the hem of my garment and you know I’ve been made whole.
And somehow He pressed His way thru my madness and His love has healed my soul.
(This song is about the story in Luke 8:40-48 and Mark 5:21-34)
The woman in this story had suffered for so long. Not only had she physically suffered – EVERYONE she knew, and everyone she came in contact with, shunned her because of her disease. They considered her dirty and she was ashamed of her condition. She was so desperate and she went to see Jesus. She made her way through the crowd and pushed her arm between the people just so she barely touched the hem of His robe. She had that much faith in Him –“If I could just touch the hem of His garment, I know I’d be made whole.” Now, she must have been petrified when he called her out! Not only did she have to face Him for what she’d done. The whole crowd was watching – Jesus stopped what He was doing and put all the attention basically on her! Did she run and hide or crumble before the crowd? No. She met Jesus – one on one – forgetting the crowd. With her faith, He felt compassion and healed her. What an amazing testimony!
The taboo of Mental Illness has dissipated somewhat over the last decade or so. But many people are still ostracized by friends and family today. The same way the woman in this story was during her time. (Her infirmary was a bleeding disorder.) Maybe the reason for the distance between some people and their family members and friends in today's society is because a lot of people just don't understand the illnesses. Lack of education can be a scary thing. And, quite honestly, in my opinion, Hollywood doesn’t really do much to help the situation. Many times movies dealing with this topic are released more for their shock value.(One exception would be "A Beautiful Mind".) I urge you to do your best to educate others about Mental Illness. For yourself and future generations.
Photo - preacher1.wordpress.com
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