I was in a neighborhood fast food restaurant bathroom the other day, when I saw a fly just hanging around on the wall. It reminded me of the old saying, “I’d give anything to be a fly on the wall". Well, I literally started laughing out loud – I couldn’t help it.
It seems I’ve said that saying a million times. It’s the perfect anecdote when something juicy has happened somewhere and YOU JUST KNEW somebody was gonna get "IT" when they home. (Well, “I’d give anything to be a fly on the wall when they get home to hear what she says to him!”)
Anyway, I couldn’t stop giggling because I couldn’t get the following thought out of my head: What if that saying is true and this old fly is really “somebody” hanging around on the wall waiting for some juicy gossip about someone? If anybody had entered the restroom at that particular moment they would have thought I’d lost my mind. Who knows - Maybe I did!
But, it got me to thinking – What if we were to live our lives, all the time, like we did have “a fly on our wall”? Would we treat our family members differently? Would we guard our words and actions? Would the lives we live within the privacy of our homes change?
I know I NEED the comfort of knowing that I can totally “be myself" once I enter the sanctity of my home. But that doesn’t give me an automatic license to be insincere, rude, unkind or unfeeling to others in my home to gain that freedom. Have you ever said or done something to your spouse or children, only to think to yourself later – “I can’t believe that was me!”?
I try to measure my words to family members this way… would I say that to dear friend? Isn’t that what a family member is – or at least should be - a dear friend? I’m not saying I’m always successful… after all, I’m only human. But that’s my goal. Cause I never know where those darn flies are – lol.
Photo - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Focus_stacking_Tachinid_fly.jpg
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