When I was a young girl, my favorite “secret” place to play was my grandfather’s woods. He had a creek that ran through his property and I would go there, take off my shoes and socks, and tip toe over the mossy creek rock for hours. I would watch the crawdads and water-bugs doing what they were made to do. It seemed so easy to get caught up in my own solitude… no thoughts running through my mind; no worries burdening my soul. I felt carefree.
Those days are precious to me and they remain locked securely in the banks of my mind. I often wish I could go back to that place and be that carefree girl, if just for a moment… the water running over my toes and the sun shining on my face.
But, I’m older now and sticky spider webs freak me out – snakes, too! The thought of traipsing through those woods - to get to that creek - both physically and mentally exhausts me. So, I thank God for the memories He has blessed me with of those days of old and for the new “secret” place He allowed me stumble upon. I pray He has shown you yours, as well. If not, allow Him the opportunity. You’d be amazed the blessings that will follow.
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